Aims & Outcomes
The Offshore Crane Operator Sub-Sea Awareness and Familiarisation Assessment has been designed by an Oil & Gas Industry recognised Subject Matter Expert (SME). The Assessment Instrument has been built referencing IMCA and OPITO codes & revised best practices including multiple challenge tests by other known Sub-Sea crane operation SME’s. The course delivery, training & assessments are conducted as per the accredited, recognized, and accepted assessment strategy for offshore crane operators. Candidates will be required to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and practical skills to successfully complete the assessment process and be deemed competent to work safely and effectively.
Participants will be required to operate an offshore crane Sub-Sea over a range of lifting activities including Active Heave Compensation (AHC) and Active Constant Tension (ACT) to seabed and recovery from seabed to vessel deck. The Assessor will accompany the crane operator to the crane cab and expect the operator to give a detailed and thorough description of the crane and its workings.
The Practical assessment is to be carried out on the worksite, using an offshore-rated and Sub-Sea capable crane to carry out Sub-Sea lifting operations for the purposes of assessment. This is to be provided by the candidate or their sponsor. The practical assessment is expected to take one day but is dependent on access to the worksite and operational requirements.
Have one (1) of the following:
4-5 days for 4 persons and 1 x additional day per extra person
Max Participants
8 Persons
Performance Criteria
Course Content
An Australian Skills Training & Assessing (ASTA) Subsea Awareness & Familiarization Certificate of Assessment will be issued upon successful completion
Training Request Form
Complete our Training Request Form to schedule in this training course